Ben has been designing web sites for clients since 1994. In 2009, after taking a System Seminar he had the guts to throw away everything he learned and start all over from scratch using direct response principles. There is no web designer on the planet who thinks harder about direct response than Ben.
Ben and I are going to talk about the “end of web design” which he says is here now. What’s going to replace it? That’s what the call is about.
This call with Ben Hunt was available for free download to all subscribers to the Mike Memorial list from November 19 to November 23. It is now in the permanent archive of the Mike Memorial series. A contribution of $495 or more gives you permanent access to this interview – and all the interviews in the series.
If you have not opted-in to the announcement list to receive updates on when these interviews will be made available for free, you can do that here:
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“The End of Web Design”
I put the world “seventh” in all caps to draw your attention to something…
You’ve now received SEVEN hour-long sessions with top Internet marketing experts…
People you’d otherwise have to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars to if you wanted to confer with – assuming they’d even be available to you…
And you got it all for free…
With two requests:
#1 – You let your friends and colleagues know about this free series
# 2 – You consider contributing a portion of the value you’ve received from the series to the Mike Marshall Family Fund.
Many already have and many, many thanks to you if you’re one of them.
If you haven’t…well, maybe it’s time.
Meanwhile, in this call one of the world’s top gun web designers tells you things about web design you absolutely won’t hear from any other member of his profession.
Ben Hunt is one of a very small handful of people on this planet who can say that he’s been developing web sites for over twenty years.
But that’s not the only thing that makes him remarkable.
Six or so years ago, he attended his first System Seminar and was so amazed by what he learned that he COMPLETELY changed his approach to web design and business.
Remember, we’re not talking about a “newbie” here. We’re talking about someone who was already at the top of his profession and widely respected in the web world.
What did Ben learn at the System Seminar that caused him to turn his entire life upside down to lean a new way of doing things?
And most important, how can YOU profit from his experience?
You’re going to find out on this call and you’re also going to hear some very good news about web design.
Hint: You can stop writing huge checks to web designers. There is a better way and you’re going to learn it straight from one of guys who used to get those big checks from clients.
Ben and I are going to talk about the “end of web design” which he says is here now. What’s going to replace it? That’s what the call is about.
This call with Ben Hunt was available for free download to all subscribers to the Mike Memorial list from November 19 to November 23. It is now in the permanent archive of the Mike Memorial series. A contribution of $495 or more gives you permanent access to this interview – and all the interviews in the series.
If you have not opted-in to the announcement list to receive updates on when these interviews will be made available for free, you can do that here:
Opt-in here: